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Alta Dena Seed Library

Updated: Jan 21, 2019

When gardeners understand the importance of local seed exchange, community happens! Thank you to the ladies that are dedicated to bringing you the best food your kitchen can handle, and strong seed to come to back year after year.

Every 2nd Saturday at the Alta Dena Public Library 10am - Noon

As the Seed Library of Los Angeles stated to gain traction, more gardeners wanted to start or become part of the a seed library. While our main hub remains in Venice, we cannot stress the importance of localized seed enough.

Master Gardener Jessica Yarger and these ladies wanted to bring SLOLA to the San Gabriel Valley . So they reached out to Eleu Navarro and once they had designated a venue, and a steering committee of dedicated volunteers the Alta Dena Seed Library Branch has come to be a delightful monthly gathering. The Seed Exchange starts at 10am and lasts until Noon. Since June 2017 talented members Su Falcon, Josie,Trish, and Diane have gracefully maintained a fun and safe seed learning experience for diverse local gardening communities. Join us on the 2nd saturdays of the month at 600 Mariposa Street ALtaDena 91001.

You too can bring SLOLA into your community!

Wherever there is a garden there will be seeds. If you are interested in starting a seed library, SLOLA can help! We rely on a strong network of seed libraries for structure and accountability.

Each meeting is designed to engage the senses of the attendees. Whether it is a hands on seed cleaning demonstration or a taste tasting, our goal is to get members excited about saving seed. The solution to global warming is in the soil. The relationship you build whence tending to a seed variety brings you closer to the water and soil cycles of your region. The opportunity to learn and discuss the wisdoms of nature in a enthusiastic group is a sacred trust to cultivate.

Seed Check In

The Seed Library loves nothing more than to accept seed from its members. Every envelope, jar, or rustling bag of seed is full of valuable stories. As a Seed Community, these stories are the currency that keeps the sacredness of this exchange alive. We encourage members to fill out the Seed Check In Form before handing their seed crop to the nearest seed librarian. This allows you to document your story in full before handing it over to the community and provides the seed librarians with the information they need in order to efficiently catalog your items.

Seed Check Out

Before you plant 5 types of kale understand how some plants can cross with others. Using crop rotation can allow you to save pure seed and have a delicious cycle of diverse foods.

Unfortunately, as urban seed savers, we grow with limited space. This requires us to be smart about what types of plants can fit our needs. When choosing which seeds to start with, go for something that you would like to use more in your diet. If you are new to seed saving, choosing a plant that is self pollinating would be in your favor. What we don't want to happen is for members to treat the seed check out like a grocery list. By checking out seed from a library we are expecting to receive some seed in return by the next growing season. Understandably, this is a learning experience so there is no penalty for not returning seed. Members however can donate via paypal and venmo to restore the inventories. Some members make monthly or even annual payments from $5 to $500 dollars.

Get Inspired

With any Non Profit Organization, the true heros are the volunteers that are committed to keeping these meetings afloat. There is a lot of work that goes into seed saving. Between maintaining the databases, farmers markets and social media outreach, curating the seed becomes the best part of the part of the process. Email today if you are interested in learning more about Seeds.

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