Joanne has been a serious seed-saver for more than a decade. For the past 5 years, she has run Cityscape Seeds, a micro-scale seed enterprise that sells vegetable seeds online and at Mar Vista Farmers' Market. She was the designer and co-founder of the Community Garden at Holy Nativity, and was the Garden Manager there for 11 years before passing the hat to Azita. Joanne was a key part of the initial design team for the Emerson Avenue Community Garden. She has been a speaker and exhibitor at the Heirloom Seed Expo in Santa Rosa. She is the author of a series of books on vegetable gardening in Southern California, including Urban Seed Saving. Her favorite seed variety is L.A. Green Glaze collards, a glossy-leafed variety she has been cultivating for more than 15 years.
Seed Historian
Joanne Poyourow
In this age of extinction there is no monetary value you can put on learning the skills to cultivate your own delicious food. We offer many pathways to utilize your talents for helping the seeds of the planet. Volunteering with SLOLA can help you access the network you have been searching for.
Seed is Culture